Oktoberfest 2018 - A little food tour

This year I have commited to write a little bit about the food at the Oktoberfest in Munich. Surely the event is not really known for it's food but there are some hidden treasures you can find. Sitting right now though at home with a wonderful cold, do I have to work with old pictures or pictures of dishes I have cooked or eaten recently in preparation for this post.
But first some general logistics. So despite being called Oktoberfest, the event starts in September and usually runs during the last two weeks in September. Since we got a new public holiday in Germany on October 3 (Unification Day) might there be the odd year the event runs a few days longer to incorporate the public holiday or gets moved out a week into October. Good point of start is the official Wiesn Website, which also has an English version. One part of the location is always reserved for the big tents of the Wiesn hosts, mostly breweries who open the event with a parade to the fairgrounds on the starting Saturday morning. I stumbled about them last Saturday forming the parade at about 10am last Saturday close to the Sendlinger Tor in Munich.
The other part of the fairgrounds is reserved for the fun rides with the big ferris wheel I even know from the funfair we got in my home town Soest each year, called Allerheiligenkirmes.

Well as said, beer is for many the most important thing at the Oktoberfest, you just have to be aware is comes in large 1 Liter glasses which are by themselves already heavy to lift. Just imagine the servers working multiple ones of those when bringing them to the guest. Look out for them and do not get into their way. This years prices we hit Euro 11.50, but I think since I am here it always has been over Euro 10. I usually go for a Radler, a mix of lemonade and beer.

Let's dig into the food though.
Depending on the tent you are going to you also might get different food.
Are you into fish, go to Fischer Vroni and endulge in local smoked fish.
If you love beef, the Ochsenbraterei is for you the place to be and as a little secret, this is also my favourite place to go. Try the pulled beef or even better cheak of the ox and you will understand what I mean. Here the link to the big tents and where they are located.

Though the all time classic at each tent is the Wiesn Haendl / roast chicken simply made with spices and parsley inside.
Watch out, it does not come with a side, so if you want some potatoe salad to go with it you need to order it extra.
Depending on the area in Germany potato salad might be really different. In the north we often add mayo to it, where here in the south it is made with broth and vinnegar.
Use some boiled potatoes (I prefer to boil them with peel and then take it off before chopping), Prepare a beef broth, you can also take pre made stock and and it to the still wam potatoes add pepper and some chopped pickled cucumber. Also take some of the water from the pickles' glass. When cold I always add some fresh cucumber slices.
For the chicken use your preferred way to roast it, but do not forget to put the parsley inside.

Another Wiesn classic is Breezen with Obatzda.
OK, let's try again,say Obatzda. This is a traditional spread we got in Bavaria made out of camembert, butter and beer.
All should be at room temperature and I usually also add some cream cheese to it. Cut the camembert into small chunks and mush it up, add butter and cream cheese until you get a spreadable cream. Then add paprika powder and caraway seeds at your liking. Before serving add some onion rings.

My normal Wiesn visit ends with a chocolate covered banana with my friends.

But there is more, let's not forget the smaller tents that I also would love to bring to your attention.
One in particular Cafe Kaiserschmarrn or the Knoedelei.
I love Kaiserschmarrn, which is described pretty simply, a pulled apart pancake made with rasins. When ready you add powdered suggar and apple sauce. I just had it on Saturday at Rischart, the cafe and bakery which also owns the Cafe Kaiserschmarrn at the Oktoberfest.

And at last, enjoy Oktoberfest and fall all over the world. Hope with little ideas you can maybe even have your own Fest at home.


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