Bella Italia 2017 Venice

This blog has been resting for quite some time and I have decided to fill it with some life again before I travel to Japan later this year. So why not add some inspirations from travels from prior years and start with Italy. Easily to be reached from Munich I have now been twice traveling through this beautiful country. Well, let's exclude my first trips to Alto Adige many years back as a summer camp counselor spending some time in Brixen/Bressanone with about 60 kids, hiking and having fun. Though I must say, this was also the time I did my first trip to Venice and barely remember it, except for one major difference, the city was so much emptier in 1990 then now.
But let's start with my stories on my Italian journey from last year. Means of travel was train and taking the night train from Munich to Venice surely was an experience. Needless to say, if one can afford make sure you have the compartment on your own or in my case in a group of 4, split two compartments between 4 people. With 3 in one and a pretty anoying fellow traveler complaining all night about heat and having to smoke every hour I barely closed an eye.
Though you are so much rewarded when you arrive in Venice early in the morning ready to explore, after you could freshen up in the train and got a breakfast served. I had picked a hotel close to the trainstation, so no hassle with luggage on any boat and we could drop off our stuff and start roaming the city. For a first glimpse I really suggest to take the slow vaporetto to St Marcs Square and have a look at all the houses along the Canale Grande. A special treat last year surely was the Bienale going on.
Getting lost in Venice was easy and getting away from the crowds not too difficult. For people wanting to see any of the major sites, expect long lines.
Our biggest reward was the upgraded hotel room we got, overlooking the Canal with a huge patio to share some drinks in the evening. What we did not discover was any outstanding and great food. Everything was tailored to the day tourists and to find something you had to really go out of your way and do some research. So anybody with great food suggestions for Venice is highly welcome. Here some views from our hotel in Venice. One night and then off by train to Rome.


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