
Showing posts from 2018

Oktoberfest 2018 - A little food tour

This year I have commited to write a little bit about the food at the Oktoberfest in Munich. Surely the event is not really known for it's food but there are some hidden treasures you can find. Sitting right now though at home with a wonderful cold, do I have to work with old pictures or pictures of dishes I have cooked or eaten recently in preparation for this post. But first some general logistics. So despite being called Oktoberfest, the event starts in September and usually runs during the last two weeks in September. Since we got a new public holiday in Germany on October 3 (Unification Day) might there be the odd year the event runs a few days longer to incorporate the public holiday or gets moved out a week into October. Good point of start is the official Wiesn Website , which also has an English version. One part of the location is always reserved for the big tents of the Wiesn hosts, mostly breweries who open the event with a parade to the fairgrounds on the star

Bella Italia 2017 Venice

This blog has been resting for quite some time and I have decided to fill it with some life again before I travel to Japan later this year. So why not add some inspirations from travels from prior years and start with Italy. Easily to be reached from Munich I have now been twice traveling through this beautiful country. Well, let's exclude my first trips to Alto Adige many years back as a summer camp counselor spending some time in Brixen/Bressanone with about 60 kids, hiking and having fun. Though I must say, this was also the time I did my first trip to Venice and barely remember it, except for one major difference, the city was so much emptier in 1990 then now. But let's start with my stories on my Italian journey from last year. Means of travel was train and taking the night train from Munich to Venice surely was an experience. Needless to say, if one can afford make sure you have the compartment on your own or in my case in a group of 4, split two compartments betwe